Out of the Rough

Monthly newsletter of the Queanbeyan Golf Club

January 2019


President's Message


Fellow members, all the best for 2019, I hope it’s a fantastic year for you all.

We are now under 60 days to the start of the 2019 NSW Women’s Open with activities commencing from Monday 4th March and the Tournament itself Thursday 7th.

Out on the course it’s coming together and our staff and mass of volunteer members are working towards early February as the reopening of bunkers. It’s been a terrific effort by all involved over the past 3-4 months and as a club we have a lot to be proud of, especially of those members who have contributed so much time and effort, often in very trying weather conditions, to get to this point. I call on all members to be very conscious and respectful of this effort by your fellow members and take personal responsibility for the care of the course as you play it (repair your own divots and without delay play unduly a few others along the path to your next shot, your own pitch marks plus a few others on greens, avoid unnecessary trekking over wet/muddy areas, keep carts well away from the greens and tees etc.). Obviously this is an important time as we prepare for March, however the bigger picture is how we present to prospective new members to our wonderful club. The Board and Management plan to build on this extensive progress by attracting new members over the coming months.   

In the Clubhouse you will see continual change over coming weeks as the builders aim to keep ahead of schedule and complete the refurbishment by mid-February. For the most part this has been planned to minimise disruption to trading and we expect that will continue. Our CEO, Tony Treeve has played a significant role in the planning for this new experience within the clubhouse an he will be telling you more about that side of things in his contribution this month.

Communication of important information is always an essential ingredient to the success of any plans that require a coordinated effort. The Board and Management have taken note of members suggestions at the recent AGM and we will be doing our best to ensure this improves in 2019. Particularly over the next 60 days or so as we bring together a myriad of plans for the success of our tournament. The main points of mass communication will be the Website, Notice Board and Pro-Shop and of course our Newsletter. Hopefully that will ensure everyone with an interest is well informed.

Further in this edition of the Newsletter is a contribution from  Ray Dorsett (Volunteers Coordinator). For those members seeking further updates on planning for the Open, please take particular note of their contributions.

On a sad note our long term member Sam Poulos is very unwell in the ICU at Canberra Hospital. Access for visitation is restricted, however a few members are keeping us as informed as they can. Sam has been a significant volunteer contributor to the club over many years and I ask that we keep him in our thoughts at this time.

Until next month, by which time the countdown will be sub 30 days, I wish you all good golfing at our wonderful club.


Cheers Adrian / Colesy



The Captain's Desk

Match Committee

Women’s NSW Open is just two months away and the committee is still looking for volunteers. The entry form is on the website, if needing assistance check with office staff or one of our directors.

Many thanks to Jake and his Pro Shop staff who have been looking after golf over the holiday period. Match Committee needed a short rest to refresh and be ready for season 2019. On Saturday 19 January the first stroke round, monthly medal and 3rd summer cup, eclectic round and 1st round of Handiskins. Pro Shop has details for the Handiskins event.

Queanbeyan Open Day will be played on Saturday 2nd February and entry forms are available at reception and on club website. A huge thank you to event sponsor DJ Homes for their involvement. We anticipate an increased interest from visitors as the day is an ACT Monaro Order of Merit event for men and is the day prior to the district pennant season.

Pennant teams are almost finalised and we will have six teams competing in the ACT Monaro Pennant competition again this year. Another win by our A Grade team would be great and the player list looks very strong. The A Grade team has a first round home game on Sunday 3rd February. A Reserve and Handicap teams will also have home games during February. On Thursday 21st February the Masters Handicap team have a home game with play starting at 9 am.

 I am pleased to advise members that we now have reciprocal arrangements with Tura Beach.

New Golf Rules for 2019

With so many videos and printed material around players should have all the rules covered. If still needing clarification of any of the rules please contact a member of the match committee. We have at least two “Rules” qualified members and the access to other qualified people.

The passing of a past Club Captain: John Bilton passed away 29th December, 2018

Records show that John was first appointed to the Board as director at the end of 1981 and was part of the board for a few of the years following and appointed club captain in 1986 the position he held until 1988. John played 45 pennant games from March 1980 thru to March 1989. He was a member of the second division “Green” pennant team. The “Gold” and “Green” teams were formed in 1969 and the rivalry was strong, none more than when the two teams played each other for the district final in 1982….Gold the winners. Another achievement for John was his hole in one on the 17th in 1990.

Sympathies are extended to his wife Margaret Lyons and their family. John will be fondly remembered by many of our members.


Gail Goiser, Captain 

Tips from the Tour



If you're having problems reading greens, it could be that you are addressing the ball incorrectly. Be sure to have your eyes over the ball at address, this will help you align the putter face better and help you stop second guessing how you read the putt from behind the ball.


Callaway Graphite XR irons, 5-PW only $699 SAVE $350 ONE SET ONLY

FREE Putting Lesson with every Ping, Odyssey and Taylormade putter purchased this January

Jake, Mat, Trent, Lachlan, Jacko and Harry



The No. 1 culprit for slow play is......not being ready. That's my opinion, at least. Most average golfers don't adhere to playing "ready golf." This doesn't mean to be oblivious of your playing partners and hit whenever you like, but it does mean stop being strict about figuring out who is away and whose honor it is on the tee. At the beginning of the round, your group should establish a more laid-back approach and stick to it. Bottom line, Be conscious of how fast you and your group are playing and pick up the pace when you start lagging behind.


Slow Play Is Not A Quick Fix 
So if everyone is against slow play, why does the problem persist? Perhaps it's because there's no simple solution. At the recreational level, golf is an expensive sport -- both in a monetary sense, and in the time we set aside for it. With such a high value attached to the game, many golfers -- regardless of what they say -- don't want to feel like they're being rushed. Throw in tour golf where one hurried shot might be the difference between a seven-figure paycheck and something much less, and slow play is a lot like the weather: everyone talks about it, but no one is really willing to do anything about it.

Please use these types of strategies to maintain a good pace of play:

  • If it is safe, walk directly to your ball and prepare for your shot. You can then play immediately.
  • It is quicker to “putt out”. Often you can read and prepare for your putt while other competitors putt.
  • Leave your buggy on the “away side” of the green.
  • If you have the honor, mark your card after hitting. Or better still, play "READY" Golf.
  • If you get behind make the effort to catch up over the next few holes.
  • If a lost ball is going to hold up play then call the next group through.
  • Pick up in stableford when you can’t score.
  • Walk briskly - don’t stroll.

CEO Update


Hello again members.


Welcome to 2019! A year that may well go down in history as one of Queanbeyan Golf Club’s finest!

President Adrian, and V.P John, have written extensively in their columns about the rapidly approaching Women’s NSW Open, and the tremendous work being done on the golf course, so I’ll take a moment to advise members on the current status of the clubhouse refurbishments.

In the next two very short weeks, the following will occur;

  1. Our new carpet will be laid in the new gaming lounge, the new TAB lounge, and in the new Sports Lounge.
  2. The current gaming lounges will be relocated to their new homes, across the other side of the clubhouse, as will the TAB lounge.
  3. Our new furniture will be arriving, and put into place as soon as the carpet has been laid.
  4. 95% of our existing television screens and monitors will be relocated to other parts of the club.
  5. Shiny new HD Smart televisions will be acquired for, and mounted in, our new Sports Lounge.
  6. New benchtops, vanities and mirrors will be placed in our washrooms.
  7. Demolition and construction will commence on the new dining room and balcony area, which currently serves as our gaming and TAB lounges.

And this is not an exhaustive list!!! Plenty of other “behind the scenes” work will be carried out in the new accessible washroom, as well as the remodeling of the ground floor changerooms.

With all this activity going on, there will be some inevitable minor disruptions to member’s full enjoyment of the clubhouse, during these building works. The Board and Management apologise in advance for any and all inconvenience, and have taken every possible step to ensure that trading disruptions are kept to an absolute minimum.

With this in mind, please be reminded that the clubhouse is closed for trading ALL DAY on Monday 14/1/2019, to allow for electricity switchboard works, and to undertake demolition works that would normally have a major impact on patrons if trading was not halted. Again, we apologise for this inconvenience.

Thank you all in advance for your continued assistance and patience during our clubhouse and golf course refurbishments. As I am sure you can all see, the changes are fantastic, and will be definitely well worth the wait.


May the breeze be at your back, and every putt be your last!!!

Women's Report

Golf is great but better at Queanbeyan. 

What a year the women have had in 2018.

Where to begin....Patsy Morgan representing the CSGA and Queanbeyan golf club in the Golf NSW Medal Playoff at Horizons golf club and our very own Amber Thornton played in the Jack Newton Champions Trophy at Bonville finishing 4th overall.
On the 4th December the women had their presentation night to celebrate all the women's achievements throughout the year. And the winners were:
  • Amber Thornton Div 1 champion
  • Fran Miller Div 2 and
  • Christine Dorman Div 3 winner.

Pauline Jeffery (with trusty caddie Pam Sassella ) represented Australia in a team of 6 in the inaugural Women's Senior Trans Tasman Cup in Adelaide with the team beating New Zealand 6.5 to 5.5.

Georgie Oke was awarded CSGA 's most reduced handicap for the year and also competed in the National Championships at the Coast golf club in November.

Sue Korth is our Club Woman of the year for 2018/19.

Elizabeth Sacic won the overall nett in the Australian Pitch and Putt championships.

Two teams will be playing in the VW scramble in March 2019 at Riverside Oaks.
Karen Ebsworth and Fran Miller won the Braidwood Open Day in blustery conditions. Deb Baker won the ADFGA  event at Federal, that handicap must be plummeting.

What! Three holes in one, all in one month. Tracy Harwood, Bev Tyler ( not a new player/member anymore) and Julie Meskell well done gals. Those lessons with Matt obviously paid off.

All this in just the last few months. You would have to agree that the women certainly punch above their weight in the district and beyond.

Bring on 2019 and the Women's NSW Open

From the home of Bruce.

New Golf Rules - Effective 1 January 2019

2019 NSW Women's Open Volunteers

Volunteer Course Work

The amount of work required on the Course is mounting and we need more volunteers to come along and help. We will be organising a work program for each week day continuing up until the event is hosted, so please can you give up some of your time to help out. Be part of the team effort for this important event so the club can shine.

Come along and join in the effort, and meet a nice bunch of people as a bonus.

Send your details to qgcvolunteer@gmail.com, let one of the clubhouse staff know you're interested or go to the registration page on the club's website.

Superintendent's Report


Happy New Year to all and hope you’ve all returned refreshed after your Xmas break.

The course has stood up remarkably well over the break, congratulations to Jimmy, Jamie and Leigh for keeping on top of things during this brief but important part of the year. Irrigation has been required constantly during this time, it may seem too wet in some areas but its far easier to dry the course later than to chase your tail during the heat. The greens are soft but healthy, requiring regular spraying to restrict the likelihood of fungal activity during this prolonged humid summer.

Thanks to all the volunteers who regularly and passionately go about their chores as we all prepare for the Women’s Open. There is still plenty to do and achieve and any assistance our small team receives is appreciated by all. Happy golfing to all BK

Junior News

Junior-Mentor 2 person Ambrose

Sunday December 9th 2018 the Junior-Mentor 2 Person Ambrose event was contested with 7 Juniors and 7 Mentors, everyone had a fantastic day with some great scores followed with a presentation and pizzas. The net winners of the George Maconachie Memorial trophy were Grant Jones and Justin Mann with a score of 59.5 ocb and the gross winners of the Brian Thomas Cup where Tasi Lolesio and Patrick Mitchell with a score of 64 ocb. Thanks you to our Mentors for their continued support.


                                              Patrick Mitchell & Tasi Lolesio                          Grant Jones & Justin Mann

Pictured L-R Amber Thornton, Trent Britton, Georgina Oke, Jake Nagle, Justin Mann, Josh De Jongh Grant Jones, Harry Smith, Mat Rainsford, Lachlan Tisma, Lachlan De Jongh, Tasio Lolesio, Patrick Mitchell, Blake Christofersen.

Junior Open in May
Sunday 5th May will be the 41st edition of the Queanbeyan Junior Open please keeps this date free as we have some of the best Junior golfers from around the district competing along with sub Juniors who don’t have a Handicap.

Junior Clinics
Reminders there are junior clinics run by our Pro shop at 4.00pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Mat Rainsford and his side kick Harry Smith put together a fun filled and basic skills clinic, if you have a son, daughter, grandchild, nephew or niece bring them along. - Cost $10.
                                                 “Remember practice makes perfect”
Jerry Smith
Junior Committee                  


Divot Boxes

If we could have all members and green fee players use the divot boxes provided on Holes 5, 6, 8, 12, 15 and 17 to repair their divots that would be great. 

If you are playing with someone and they take a divot and don’t fix it, can you either fix the divot with the sand and seed mix or nicely suggest that they do so.



Tee Times

Please don’t leave it till the day before or morning of your game. Unfortunately, these cancellations have been on the morning or an hour before tee off times. Be fair to your fellow members. If you are unable to play, please delete your name as early as possible.

Junior Clinics

The clinics will restart in February 2019
When: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month during School Terms
Time: 4pm for approximately 45 minutes.
Cost: $10 per clinic
How to book: Just call the pro shop on 6297 2542 on the morning to confirm you child's attendance.

Hoops and Ropes

If you see hoops or ropes down it would be appreciated if you could take the time to put them back to protect these areas.
It would be great if and when you need to move a rope, hoop or sign that you replace it to its original position. 

The Greens staff place these hoops, ropes and signs periodically around the course to protect new work and regenerate worn areas.

Bookings & Competition Results on Mobile Devices

To view comp results, log in as if you are making a booking. Press on the menu bar on the top right.  A menu will come up.  Click on Results 2nd from the bottom. 
If you are still having problems viewing the results:
  • On iPhones, if you open Safari and click to open a new browser page there is a Private button on the bottom left of the screen.  Same is the case on an iPad.  The Private button should not be highlighted, otherwise the page is in Private browsing mode.
  • On Android devices, this is called Incognito Browsing, and this is turned on or off via the browser menu.

Ladies come and try golf

  • Sunday afternoons at 2.15pm for a 2.30pm. No experience needed. No need to book.
  • Play 8 holes in an all Beginner Women’s Comp. Cost only $10. Meet and pay at the Pro Shop.
  • You will learn about golf in a friendly and non-threatening environment with help to enjoy the game at whatever level you would like.
  • If you are only available on another weekday and would like to give golf a go then phone Pauline (see below) and see what can be arranged.
  • Professional lessons available from Jake Nagle and his team at the Pro Shop. Ph. 6297 2542. Check for Ladies clinics and packages at affordable prices.
  • Membership for women available in all categories. Get a handicap and play in the Women’s competition on Tuesday, Saturday and medley Sundays.
It’s fun and you will be helped all the way.

Phone Pauline Jeffery
6285 1846 or 0422 204 988
Email: paulinejeffery@hotmail.com


Following on from 360 Degree and SleepDoctor, who now sponsor the 1st and 8th tee signs, we are looking for businesses who wish to support the club and promote their business.
If your company or you know of a company that would like to sponsor one or several of the tee signs please contact Tom Darmody via sponsorship@queanbeyangolf.com.au or contact him on 0439 440 604.



Plus a FREE schooner of house beer, a glass of soft drink or a glass of house wine.

VICTOR’S $15 LUNCH SPECIALS from 11am-2pm

Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Enjoy our full range of meals from juicy steaks to our mouth-watering pizzas

(Pizzas not available Mondays)

More specials on the blackboard.

2019 NSW Women's Open Update

Happy New Year to all,

As everyone is aware the NSW Women’s Open is fast approaching 7th – 10th March 2019.

Have you registered to be a Volunteer?

The tournament is over 4 days, Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday however we also need to have volunteers involved in their respective roles for the Pro-am to be held on Wednesday 6th if possible.

Thank you to those members that have registered, 55 to date, not quite the numbers we need to share the load and run a successful tournament.

I have listed the key roles below and would ask that you reply with your preferred 3 options so we can commence allocating roles and responsibilities.

Whilst the interest around the club is fantastic and we can see the changes taking affect both on the course and clubhouse we still require significant numbers.

I am asking you to be my advocate and continue to promote the need for volunteers amongst you’re playing partners, club members, friends and relatives and ask them to register on line and we can then make contact and allocate them roles as well.

We also welcome interest from outside the club so again if we can promote this that would be greatly appreciated.

If we get the volunteer numbers we are seeking it will allow everyone to play their volunteer role as well as watch some golf during the day pre and or post their respective volunteer shift.

We require a person to lead / manage each of these roles and the volunteers with-in these roles. The persons in bold have indicated they are keen to fill this role so please feel free to put your hand up for one of these roles as well.



BILLETS :                               Wendy Lynch


CADDIES :                            Dom Di Campli / Peter Solway


PLAYERS LOUNGE - ENTRY and TIDYNESS :            Liz Clarke







DRIVING RANGE :            Jerry Smith













SCORER HUT :                    Pam Sassella





Once again, thank you for your interest and I look forward to working with you to ensure the NSW Women’s Open is a huge success for both players and spectators.


Ray Dorsett


What's on at the Club

  • Happy Hour is 5.00pm to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
  • Wednesday meat tray raffles @ 5pm and 7.30pm
  • Friday raffles meat tray raffles tickets on sale at 6 drawn @ 7.30pm
  • Friday night euchre starts @ 6.30pm
  • Badge draw after the Raffles on Friday night
  • Karaoke is on hold til the refurbishments are completed
  • NPL Poker on Thursdays starting @ 6pm
  • FREE WIFI Ask the bar staff for details

Cart 20 Card

Cart 20 Card – A prepaid cart pass is now available from the pro shop. The pass will provide for 20 9/18 hole rounds for the discounted price of $475. Carts are subject to availability. 
Copyright © 2017 Queanbeyan Golf Club, All rights reserved.

Want to Contribute?
Please send contributions to ceo@queanbeyangolf.com.au

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 152 Queanbeyan NSW 2620

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